farm vlog

New Land Management VLOG

New  Land Management VLOG

A quick update video of our continuing land improvement plan for our Southern Illinois farm. Join me as we plant some new apple trees, trim the first year's trees, some tips, a perennial (clover & chicory) food plot update, Are new cattails growing in a problem watering hole and is the new wood duck house occupied? Here are a few videos that I mentioned during the tour: 
Digging watering hole with Kioti:
Power of a watering hole:
Digging watering hole Kioti tractor:
Watering hole Orange Scum and cattail seed:

Cat watching deer from her high roost~01-21-18

Just one of those things that you enjoy when you live on a farm. It takes you away from all of your worldly life stressors for just a few moments. I enjoyed watching our cat, so peaceful, just taking it all in from her little kingdom below the deck... :)