Since 2009 we've been on a quest to own some nice acreage and find the right piece of land that we could retire to later on, but could still commute to work in the meantime. Little did we know that after nearly 10 years we would have bought, rehabilitated and 'flipped' about 12 different properties! This did not happen by design, it was all really accidental. As we bought a property that we thought would be our "dream property'" we quickly learned of the many pitfalls in land ownership that no one will ever tell you about. From bad neighborhoods, packs of dogs, trespassers, hidden garbage piles, to property and survey disputes we have really experienced more than many investors have.


Our Mission

Our Mission is simple.  It is to share all of the hard fought lessons with others so that they can not only learn from our success' and mistakes, but follow along with us on this crazy journey first hand. Join us as we work on our land to greatly improve it and live the dream of country living, with a lot of humor, heartache and some success along the way.